
Saturday Slack (9/18/2021)

Hey, Friends –

Welcome to The Saturday Slack, a list on what what I’m pondering and exploring with a short summary for those too busy to dive in.

Writing in public is exposing your brain’s API and making your knowledge extendable. Thank you to the 3k+ subscribers who make a “call” on my API every Saturday! If you want to join us, click the big green button below:

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“I suppose it’s a cliché to say you’re glad to be alive, that life is short, but to say you’re glad to be not dead requires a specific intimacy with loss that comes only with age or deep experience.

The same cannot be said of aliveness, of which there are countless degrees.

One can be alive but half-asleep or half-noticing as the years fly, no matter how fully oxygenated the blood and brain or how steadily the heart beats.

Fortunately, this is a reversible condition.One can learn to be alert to the extraordinary and press pause — to memorize moments of the everyday.

After all, there are many ways to die — peacefully, violently, suddenly, slowly, happily, unhappily, too soon.

But to be dead — one either is or isn’t.”

-Bill Hayes, Insomniac City

Quotes of the Week


Walt Whitman’s Advice on Living a Vibrant and Rewarding Life

“Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others… re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul…”

How You Feel About Money | The Irrelevant Investor

“There is one thing that trumps everything else when it comes to how you feel about money. It doesn’t matter how much you make. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve saved. It definitely doesn’t matter where interest rates are. The thing that most influences how you feel about money is how you grew up around money.”


That Which is Set Before You | RobCast

Find something that you can run towards. Put something before you that forces you to discard the things holding back. Don’t keep your desires in check, find the one desire that lights the fire that will sustain your soul for years to come.